Wednesday, January 8, 2014

rainbow rice

This is a great little activity to have up your sleeve when your children are bored-bored-bored, and want something different to do. You can use the technique below to dye pasta as well, which can then be used for a multitude of things- sensory tubs, crafts, threading necklaces...

A few quick notes:

*If you use hand sanitiser, be viligant about watching that it doesn't end up in any little mouths, and make sure hands are thoroughly washed afterwards.
*There are no specific measurements- the 'wetter' the mixture, the longer the drying time.

Divide your rice/pasta among large ziplock bags- one bag per colour of food dye. Add in a few squirts of liquid hand sanitiser, or a little white vinegar {about a scant tablespoon}, along with your  food colouring- a few drops or the equivalent gel-{if it helps, the pink in the picture above was cheap liquid food dye from the supermarket, the other three colours were Wilton Gel Pastes}.

Close the bag, and use your fingers to rub and scrunch the colour through, until it's evenly distributed among the rice/pasta. Spread onto a sheet of baking paper until it's dry to the touch, and then let the fun begin.

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